Sitemap - 2021 - Northern Natter's Newsletter

We're back!!

One year of Northern Natter and LOTS of freelance jobs

Positive news and remote jobs

🚨New episode alert and BBC jobs🚨

BBC, STV jobs and perseverance

Freelance jobs and CV tips

Call for pitches and local journalism

🚨New episode alert🚨 and BBC jobs

BBC Jobs and Interview tips

Getting experience and BBC

BBC jobs and portfolios

Remote jobs and Scotland bound

Jobs galore, pitching tips and holiday plans

Summer weather and new episodes

News wires, episodes and freelance opps

CORRECTION (whoops) New episodes and journalism jobs

New episodes and journalism jobs

ITV, BBC and killing stories

Journalism apprenticeships & side hustles

Creativity and Season 3

Let's get you that work placement!

Jobs, BBC and upcoming plans

Summer plans & work life balance

Phone calls and diversity

Getting stories on social media

A step in the right direction

Season 2 finale and new chapters

A move to bigger, better plans

Alternative routes into the industry

Lockdown easing & workload increasing


BBC, social media and work experience

Finding jobs that you love & self belief

Jobs, mentoring and BBC

How can you use your voice?

When one door shuts...

Jobs and dollar


CORRECTION: Rejection and Acceptance

Acceptance and rejection: freelance life

Finding your confidence & job applications

Freelancing, ITV, Screenmedia, Guardian

Spinning plates and answering your questions

Juggling work and freelancing

Lets have a natter...

A podcast for new and aspiring journalists, proving you don't need to move to London to be a journalist.